At GLOBAL Home Care, we know all too well the stress and exhaustion – both physical and emotional – that primary caregivers face. Not only is it difficult to watch a loved one struggle with their health, but taking on the responsibility of care is a huge undertaking. You aren’t equipped with all of the tools, time, resources, or education that professional caregivers can offer, but sometimes, around-the-clock care just isn’t a possibility.

Live-in aids or assisted living facilities can be expensive or perhaps they may offer more services than your family needs right now, but you still are human and need to be able to decompress not only for your own health but to continue supporting the well-being of others. That’s where respite care comes in.

What is Respite Care?

Time and time again, we hear the old adage that you cannot pour from an empty cup. This is certainly true for those caring for loved ones who require additional care. But with such a weighty role, it’s not as if you can simply drop what you’re doing to get some TLC. You want to make sure that, while you are recharging, your loved ones are given the same amount of dignity, attention, and care that you would provide.

Respite care offers a chance to step away for a little while to attend to other responsibilities – whether that’s traveling out of town, shopping, appointments, or even just some rest and relaxation. Not only does a trusted respite care provider allow you to physically step away from your duties, they can give you the peace of mind that your loved one is not only cared for but comfortable.

Why is Respite Care Important?

If you’re in the weeds, respite care may seem selfish or you may not trust the care of your charge to anyone else. However, not seizing the opportunity could have devastating effects long-term.

The AARP Public Policy Institute reports that up to 35% of family caregivers rate their health as fair to poor ( This is compounded as time goes on and as we ourselves begin to age or struggle with our health. On the same hand, mental strain is no stranger to caretakers. 40% to 70% of family caregivers report significant symptoms of depression. As much as we are dedicated to the quality of attention and care our loved ones receive, the toll it takes is undeniable and can, over time, create an environment where we are physically and emotionally unable to maintain the same standard of care.

In addition, respite care can benefit those we care for. Here’s how:

  • It provides additional socialization.
  • It offers a refreshing change in scenery.
  • It brings additional experience and specialized training to the table.
  • It allows those receiving care to maintain some of their independence and feel less like a burden – which is common for individuals in these situations.

Senior respite care for caregiver

When to Seek Respite Care

So how do you know when it’s time to seek respite care? Well, there’s not right or wrong answer, but we can tell you that, like an oil change, it’s better to utilize services before situations become dire.

If you or any other caretakers find yourselves experiencing any of the following, it might be time to consider respite care.

  • Worse or worsening mental health.
  • The lack of time or energy to keep up with daily responsibilities or work.
  • Mental or physical fatigue.
  • Frequent colds, aches, stomach troubles, or other ailments
  • Mood shifts or trouble processing your own feelings.
  • You need to dedicate your attention to other important or stressful matters such as a new baby, a divorce, a job search, etc.

We even recommend, when you take on the role of caretaker, to begin exploring your options, so that you have them at-hand should the time come.

What Kinds of Respite Care Are There?

Each family and caregiving situation is unique, and the support you seek should fit those needs. Not to worry, there are all kinds of respite programs out there such as:

  • At Home – A trained and certified professional comes to your home to assist with chores, medical upkeep, or even just sits with someone while you take care of what you need to.
  • Day Care – Need to be gone the whole day? Your caretaker can find high quality care, socialization, and enrichment at an adult day care.
  • Care Facilities – For longer term situations, consider looking into assisted living facilities which offer respite care.

How Much Does Respite Care Cost?

The cost of your respite care and the percent of that which insurance will cover varies greatly depending on your care services. Medicare and Medicaid, however, often include some kind of respite care coverage. As you begin your search, give your insurance carrier a call and ask what’s included. It’s also a good idea to speak to any doctors or case workers who can help you navigate the financial side of things.

There are also other ways to get help paying for respite care. Some government aid programs or private foundations may be able to provide additional support. If you are taking on a new care-giver role, it’s not a bad idea to speak to a financial planner to understand what your options may be moving forward.

Where to Start

All in all, respite care can do wonders for your family. Seeking help is nothing to feel ashamed of, anxious about, or guilty for. If you think your family may benefit from respite care, start a conversation with those your caring for and/or other involved family. If you’re interested in learning what respite care options may be available, please give Live Star Home Care Home Care a call. Our experts will help your family find the services you need so you can all stay happy and healthy for longer.

Contact us

We want to be an active partner in your care. We don’t “take over,” because you’re the CEO of your care.



Here are some features of our Greater Denver Home care

  • 24/7 access to care
  • Customized care plans
  • Caregiver introductions
  • Nutritional planning
  • Respite support
  • Companionship
  • Mobility assistance
  • Errands and Shopping
  • Fall Prevention