When it comes to any type of care, there are a lot of informational websites out there. Whether you’re wanting to learn about their health conditions, looking for help with food, or just information we’ve got all the resources you need.

Here at Live Star Home Care, we want to give you all the resources we have to make your home care journey as easy as possible. Here is a list of resources to take advantage of, but if you have additional questions, be sure to contact us at 307-433-7733 .

  • AARP: The Americal Association of Retired Persons is a great resource to find information on how to get started with home care and answer all your questions.
  • ACL: The Administration for Community Living is a great resource to get your loved one into a community and taken care of if they are new to an area.
  • Aging In Place Home Improvements: Many don’t know that you might need to make home accommodations if you’re taking care of a loved one in your home. This is a great website for resources on what changes you can make.
  • AA: This resource is great for learning how to care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
  • AF: The Alzheimer’s Foundation is an all-in-one place where you can find many resources for caring for someone with Alzheimer’s.
  • ACS: The American Cancer Society can help you learn how to take care of a family member with any type of cancer.
  • Senior CompuCare: This is a great resource to help your elderly loved ones learn to use today’s technology.
  • Caregiving: This is a one-stop-shop for all things caregiving when it comes to things you should know.
  • Delicious Decisions: This is a great resource to help you make healthy food decisions for those with heart conditions.
  • MOW: Meals on Wheels is a great way to get meals delivered to your door or the door of the person you’re caring for.
  • NAHC: The National Association For Home Care and Hospice is a place to find extra resources for your loved ones.
  • HCAOA: This is an all-in-one place to find homecare help in your area.
  • NIH: The National Institutes of Health has a lot of valuable information regarding care advice, treatments, and other resources.
  • HealthFinder: If you’re looking for healthcare or healthcare resources for yourself or your loved ones this website has lots of information to get started.

If you’re looking for more information or for resources that are location specific, you can contact us to get more information and get more of your questions answered.

Contact us

We want to be an active partner in your care. We don’t “take over,” because you’re the CEO of your care.



Here are some features of our Greater Denver Home care

  • 24/7 access to care
  • Customized care plans
  • Caregiver introductions
  • Nutritional planning
  • Respite support
  • Companionship
  • Mobility assistance
  • Errands and Shopping
  • Fall Prevention